
John Kannenberg is an artist, researcher, teacher, performer, storyteller, and writer.
He is also Director & Chief Curator of The Museum of Portable Sound.

Museum Listening Sketches

Museum Listening Sketches

In the course of my research into the sonic experience of museums, I am developing a lexicon of symbols that combine with intuitive mark making to document my sonic observations. This practice not only records listening data but also serves as an ear training exercise. 

The drawings are made by selecting a spot within a museum, selecting a duration for the drawing, closing my eyes, and drawing symbols the represent the sounds I hear in relative position to myself. This lexicon of symbols is in the process of evolving, and each drawing is a balance between planning and improvisation. 

Two of these drawings were published in INDA 10, the juried exhibition-in-print produced by Manifest Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Museum Sound Maps

Museum Sound Maps

Listening to Museums:  Sound mapping towards a sonically inclusive museology

Listening to Museums: Sound mapping towards a sonically inclusive museology