
John Kannenberg is an artist, researcher, teacher, performer, storyteller, and writer.
He is also Director & Chief Curator of The Museum of Portable Sound.

Portable Gray

Portable Gray

I have a new article published in the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago’s Portable Gray journal, Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 2019 issue.

The polemical article, An Undefined Sound, is a conversation between Philip von Zweck and myself about what, if anything, ‘Sound Art’ is, and why it needs a proper definition if it is to become more than a mere curiosity within academia.


Editor's Plaisance, by Zachary Cahill

LEGACY SET FREE: Emancipating the works of Oscar Brown Jr., by Maggie and Africa Brown

Reflections on Ghost Village: A conversation with Judith Zeitlin, Majel Connery, and Yao Chen

Pennies from Nether: A Chorus, by Jennifer Scappettone

What Makes a Song "Songy": Glenn Kotche and Steven Rings in conversation with Ted Gordon

Oracular Painting: Kim Gordon in conversation with Stephanie Cristello

Hit It or Quit It: Rock 'n Roll, a Critical Approach, Jessica Hopper in conversation with Mike Schuh

now is simply the mess. Formalism, Modernism, Again, by Seth Brodsky

Listening Without Response-ability, by Naomi Waltham-Smith

Tracing the Sonic Image: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Hannah B. Higgins, and W.J.T. Mitchell, by Zachary Cahill

An Undefined Sound: A conversation between John Kannenberg and Philip von Zweck

Music is the Production of an Ear Which Listens to Us: Mladen Dolar in conversation with Seth Brodsky

Soul Rotations: Healing Music with Shannon Harris, by Ytasha Womack

Musical Griot: Barbara McCullough on Horace Tapscott, by Robyn Farrell

Moscow Dairies, by Robert Bird and Cauleen Smith

On the Cover: Kim Gordon, Noise Nomads, 2009 © Kim Gordon, Courtesy of 303 Gallery, New York

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