Screenshot of the Stasisfield website circa 2010. was a netlabel for experimental music and sound art, as well as an online art space that featured curated exhibitions of multidisciplinary work in sound, video, and text. Over the course of thirteen years, the record label released 88 mp3 albums, two CD compilations, and a DVD of video art, while the site as a whole released work by over 100 artists from around the world. Its releases spanned multiple genres including minimal electronics, drones, noise, electroacoustic, orchestral, free-form jazz, field recording, and spoken word.
I created Stasisfield, curated it, and designed the digital packaging for all the releases – the cover art was meant to be a dialogue between the contributing artists and myself, and the "house style" evolved to reflect the various genres and artistic approaches being explored within the sound works.
Works on Stasisfield were often reviewed in online magazines, particularly Disquiet, who published an extensive interview with me about the site's activities in March of 2005.
A partial Stasisfield discography is maintained by